All crossarms can be available hot rolled or galvanized on 14, 13 and 12 gauge thickness
All crossarms can be available from 4” up to 60” every 2” apart

Standard Crossarm with Angled Top Notch and Single Bottom T-Notch

Standard Crossarm with Angled T-Notch

Standard Crossarm with Double Angled T-Notch

Side J-Hook Notch Crossarm with Double Bottom T-Notch

Side End Standard Crossarm

V-Shape Crossarm

V-Shape Crossarm with Brace

Standard Crossarm with Extra Top-Notches

Offset Mao Bracket
Available in 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12”

Straight Style Mao Bracket
Available in 6, 8 and 12″

2-Piece Wire Crossarm
Available in 4” and 6”